Buy Your Whiskey Tasting Tickets

May 18th Billy's Tap Room 5:30p
Ormond Mainstreet Whiskey Tasting

Ormond Beach Mainstreet Cash Mob


Cash Mobs is a new movement aimed at supporting local businesses and rebuilding communities. A Cash Mob is a Flash Mob, but instead of singing and dancing, Cash Mobbers join together and each spend $20 at local businesses in a designated area. 

May 12 has been designated Ormond Beach MainStreet Cash Mob Day. 

The Ormond Beach Mainstreet Cash Mob event will be held to educate the local community on the economic benefits of supporting local business. The Cash Mob will operate the same way as a flash mob with the only difference being why people appear. 

Participants in the Cash Mob will be showing up to spend money in the Ormond Beach MainStreet area between 11:00 am – 5:00 pm to demonstrate the great “collective power of the purse.” 

The Rules 

1. See Facebook invite for participants who will offer specials 
2. Wear Black to support keeping Ormond Beach Mainstreet businesses in the black (optional) 
3. Spend $20 from 11a-5p in the Ormond Mainstreet Area on Saturday, May 12th. 
Who: Ormond Beach Mainstreet Cash Mob 
When: Saturday, May 12 2012, 11:00 am – 5:00 pm 
Where: Ormond Beach Mainstreet-the businesses on Granada Blvd. from Orchard Ave to A1A. 
Why: To Raise the consciousness of Ormond Beach Mainstreet and surrounding area to the economic benefits of supporting local business. 

The Ormond Beach Mainstreet Cash Mob (May 12th) Facebook event page: 

For more information, go to or call 386 451-2138 or 386-299-8973. 


Maggie Scrabis Sacks 
Ormond Beach Main Street, Inc. 
386 451-2138 

Darlynn Nangano 
Little Blog Dress Media 

Vendor Specials 

Frame of Mind-20% off gifts and hand out $25 off framing coupons
Caffeine Bistro and Kona Tiki Bar-10% off bill
Granada Gourmet-They are hosting a Mother's Day contest and giving away a gift basket to the winner. 20% off gadgets that Saturday
LuLu's Oceanside Grill $1 Tasty Beverages during the event.